Thursday, October 2, 2014

Alien Eggs

Probably the cooliest lesson plan I invented, really. Everyone started by brainstorming what different aliens might breathe, eat, and what exactly planet would look like.  Next we brainstormed sketched based around our unique planets.



Color Theory

What makes a painting unified? You could say the shapes, or maybe the over all movement, but put in a color scheme and everything begins to work together. Students studied individual color schemes, next taught their color scheme to the whole class, and learned that artist don't randomly choose colors for their paintings.


After studying color schemes everyone created a collage with their favorite color scheme in mind. But wait, that's not it! They then had to transfer their collage onto canvas and do the difficult task of color mixing, matching, and the struggle of simulating textures.

Coil Building Ceramics

Coil Building, looks easy. Wrong. A lot of problem solving, starting over, and fine tuning takes place in the ceramics class. Although students were frustrated at times, they pulled through with a better understanding of building with coils and in the end some pretty amazing pieces.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Elements and Principles of ART!!

What makes something a "Good" work of art?
Some say; concept, emotion, thought, and just the ability to draw well.
Others says: Composition is key! and knowing how the elements and principles work together.

In art class we studied elements, principles, and exactly how they work together to form a Unified composition.  After studying these elements and principles student drew a view of the still life that was sat up in the middle of the classroom. Next they divided their compositions into sections and each section focused in on a different element or principle of design.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Vans Shoe Contest

Vans Shoes Contest
Students all started with 4 different Van Shoe Templates and then had to create with 4 different themes in mind: Art, Music, Action Sports, and Local Flavor. We narrowed down our top 4 picks by student votes. These are our finalists......
Art Theme - By Tristan

Local Flavor- By Haley

Music - By Charlee
Action Sports- By Raven
If chosen by Vans then our art program could win $50,000!!!