Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Artist of October!!!!!!!!!!


Nichole is a freshman this year, pretty new to art class. Not so new to art, actually she is a pretty big fan of art! Oh yes and Star Wars...hence our fun picture of Nichole below.

Here is her winning perceptive drawing!!! Amazing work Nichole!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

marshmallow catapult

How could ART help you solve a PROBLEM???

Goal: Launch a Marshmallow  15feet with in a width of 1'6"
3feet of masking tape
4 paper clips
2 cups
3 rubber bands
2 spoons
15cm X 15cm piece of cardboard

Friday, October 18, 2013

Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals
-each animal appearing in your life appears when there is a lesson to be learned
-Native Americans believed these spirit animals would help guide you through your life's journey.
-Students took a short quiz spiritanimal/info to discover which spirit animal belonged to them