Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Charcoal Still Life!

A basic to learning how to draw is setting up a still life and drawing from observation. Sounds a little boring, so I put a twist to the assignment. We started by practice 3 different compostions of the still life using 3 different emotions! How would you draw an angry umbrella and still make it look like the actual object? Student used a wide variety of line and technique to capture each of their emotions. In the end they choose 1 compostion and 1 style they liked best to create into a final piece.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Averie! She is the artist of October and actually the only student in Art 2! Here she is posed with her dream catcher inspired by nature.

Averie is multi artistic with a background not only in visual arts but performing arts as well. She can play the piano, guitar, and I'm pretty sure she said the violin! That just amazes me.
She is very focused in her projects and I knew right away that it was only a matter of time before she was voted artist of the month.

Below you will see her Arcimboldo inspired hand. Included are a number of musical elements.

Next is Averies warm color painting....check out all the unique textures!

WHAT IS ART!????????????

 What is art?

That's the big question!!

We flipped through many different examples of very different type of art. Students discussed whether they considered it art or not and why. I was very surprised by how many students believed everything could possibly be a work of art!

With the idea that anything could possibly be art students went outside for an adventure. They found many of natures materials and sculpted them into works of art.

So what do you think, could a log be art?!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Arcimboldo Inspired Art :)

Arcimboldo lived during the renaissance but he was far from a renaissance painter. When people think renaissance images of beauty and realism pop into their minds. Below is a painting by Arcimboldo who was way before his time!

Students practiced drawing 3D objects with oil pastels then cut and collaged them into a completely different work of art!